I'm a little sick of that trend.
I know you're all waiting for that sentence. That one that maybe explains the title a little better.
I'm working on it. There's not much point in saying "I'm full of questions." Everyone is, so that doesn't make me any more special.
Is this my life?
I stand sometimes, feeling like a failure, without ever looking around me. With often no reason but to gain the sympathy of others. Who am I to be like that?
I judge every person around me and think that I know their lives and can always feel their pain.
I don't know. and who am I to judge?
Sometimes I feel, like it's me. Just me against the world.
I just stand, stating what I want and need to do, then never moving my feet.
I try to explain and it never comes out right. Question mark.
What am I waiting for?
Why do I think I need a push?
Why do I feel like I need answers from someone?
Why do I think there's something I'm missing that I need before I set out in life?
I'm living in a box, and I'm not jumping out.
I'm looking around, at all the things that I could be outside of this box, but can't understand why I'm not moving my feet. Have I not felt the motivation?
There's a time when you find yourself asking questions you know can't be answered for you, but you have to state them anyway. Story of my life. And I think I already mentioned I'm full of questions.
Seems like I've got a long way to go.
It's an interesting journey, but I'm on quite the ride.
This is my life.And I'm just trying to understand...
You should submit these words to Jade or maybe to Jon Foreman as lyrics to a song either of them could write. The 1st stanza could be the 1st verse. 2nd stanza is the intro to the chorus. 3rd stanza is the chorus. 4th stanza is the 2nd verse. Then repeat the chorus. 5th stanza is the bridge. Then repeat the chorus and end with the last stanza. It would be pretty characteristic of Jon Foreman.