
I am but a fickle heart longing to be fearless.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Just Because

I usually blog with some blatant point to get across. Today, I feel like blogging just because. Right now I'm blogging for a few "just becauses." Just because--I have a pretty hefty research paper due after this short break comes to a close, and I feel like procrastinating for a few more minutes. Just because--I'm on break! Just because,--a beautiful fall day in the south inspires blogging much moreso than a writing a paper.

And just because--
I need to thank God.
For all the ways he has been good to me.
For all the ways he has blessed me.
For all the things he has given me.
For all the things I don't deserve and receive anyway.

I'm constantly reminded how many meaningless things I center my life around. I focus on the things that make me want more--that make me restless and continually unsatisfied--instead of rejoicing in the good and beautiful things that God has blessed me with. I've come to realize how incessant I am--I never stop! I never stop finding ways to be discontented. I never stop finding things I "need." I never stop just to be still. I never stop to enjoy things anymore. There's always something better that I need to attain.

And I have to keep reminding myself that I'm never going to get it all. There will always be something more. For the rest of my life, there will always be "a better life." There will always be "a better me." But if I don't stop wishing for the things I don't have, I'll never be happy with what I do have. It's all pretty black and white I suppose. But always easier said than done. I have a lot of progress to make. 

To end--a great quote from the Greek stoic philosopher Epictetus:

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has."

Huh. I guess I made a point after all.

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