
I am but a fickle heart longing to be fearless.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Sunrise That Pierced The Earth

Hey, for once in an afternoon, I have the time to sit down and write for a minute.
It has been such a beautiful week! The sunrise yesterday pierced the whole earth, or at least my block of it, with a rosy pink and orange light.

It certainly made my morning, and now I definitely appreciate daylight savings time just a wee bit more. Of course, that's easy to do in the fall when you wake up at 5 and realize you don't have to hit the snooze button and can go back to sleep for another hour with a smile of relief on your face instead of a grimace of guilt and shame. It's wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.
Living in Chicago makes you appreciate the fall a little more too, since it only lasts for about two weeks and then the six-month winter obnoxiously barges in. Yesterday it was warm and comfortable. Today, we have frigid winds and icy beads of snow. I'm shaking my head if you can't tell.

If you didn't get to enjoy yesterday though, I'll share my photos with you.
Advice: dig out some thick, WARM, ski socks, find a comfy sweatshirt, and grab a book and something hot to drink. Just don't pull out your Christmas music yet. Enjoy your November while it lasts.

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