
I am but a fickle heart longing to be fearless.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Snippets Of My Bucket List

1. Visit and take a picture in every country in the world.
2. Build my own house.
3. Go to Fenway and meet my team.
4. Sing a solo.
5. Visit New Zealand and Australia, and go scuba diving.
6. Get married to someone and remain madly in love with them for the rest of my life.
7. Stand on a mountain peak with my eyes closed, my arms open wide, and the sun setting brilliantly behind me.
8. Ride in a hot-air balloon.
9. Save someone's life.
10. Learn how to ski. And ski well.
11. Go to some isolated and uninhabited island with only my husband. Hehe.
12. Own a boat. Sailboat, yacht, doesn't matter as long as it floats. Although, it has to be functional and pretty too (i.e. NOT a canoe, rowboat, pontoon boat, etc.).
13. Have kids. And I mean a minimum of two.
14. Live by the ocean, even if only for a time.
15. Visit Greece, and Italy, and France, and.... heck, how about all of Europe?
16. Build the world's largest and most unique snowman. Anybody with me?
17. Adopt a child(ren).
18. Smile as many times as is humanly possible in a life time.
19. Learn French.
20. Beat a pinata and scream like a little kid for the candy!!!!!!
21. Learn and understand every single action, play, and term in the game of football, so I know what's going on when I'm cheering.
22. Lay underneath the stars in the back of a pickup truck, in the middle of nowhere, preferably the southwest coast (and don't forget the super cozy warm sleeping bags).
23. Write something at least the slightest bit profound. Something that makes people think, but then smile in agreement.
24. Ride on the back of a motorcycle down a dirty and forgotten road, in the SUNSHINE!
25. Paint a mural or some otherwise large and publicly displayed work of art.

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